A win/win approach to the shuttered icon: reopen it as an LGBT+ venue whose profits support its leaseholder’s wider plans
A win/win approach to the shuttered icon: reopen it as an LGBT+ venue whose profits support its leaseholder’s wider plans
10 titles of interest at this year’s London LGBT Film Festival, from sauna zombies to queer burlesquers
The new Star Wars movie is full of characters in thrall to mythic tales of the past – but is it also a warning against the excesses of fandom?
Just weeks after yet another favourite London queer pub closes, its landlord opens an exciting ‘sequel’ just up the road
Following the collapse of the planned sale of the Black Cap, devotees of the iconic LGBTQ pub hope to bring it into community ownership
Change doesn’t come from despair. Change comes from hope. And the listing of the Royal Vauxhall Tavern and the election of Jeremy Corbyn have given us hope.
Read RVT Future’s 30,000-word application, which I wrote, to make the Royal Vauxhall Tavern the country’s first building to be listed for its LGBTQ heritage
The annual “uncompetitive competition” is the most vital symbol of the RVT’s longstanding community ties
#WeAreTheBlackCap offers to work with iconic LGBTQ pub’s freeholders to resolve deadlock over shuttered venue